A thread safe ISAAC-rand.

This page is now maintained at http://toqoz.fyi/thread-safe-isaac-rand.html

A short while ago I was required to multithread a program that used the ISAAC-rand library for some random numbers. Unfortunatley, ISAAC-rand is not thread safe out of the box, but thread safety can be achieved with a few small changes to the source.

ISAAC-rand isn’t thread safe because it uses a global context to keep track of the random state, meaninnng that when the context is seeded in a threaded environment, its state is likely to be clobbered by another thread – potentially while its value is still in use.

A solution to this may be to place a lock around code using the random number generator, however this is likely to substantially slow down our parallel code due to lock contention. On the project I was working on, the function utilising RNG was the program’s bottleneck, so any lock-based solution was not feasible.

Looking into ISAAC’s source code (ISAAC-rand.c), we notice that the random context is actually scoped quite locally, being shared only between seed_random and random_num:

randctx R;

void seed_random(char* term, int length)
    memset(R.randrsl, 0, sizeof(R.randrsl));
    strncpy((char *)(R.randrsl), term, length);
    randinit(&R, TRUE);

short random_num(short max)
    return rand(&R) % max;

Studying the above snippet, we can simply create a local version of R in seed_random, and modify the function to return the indicated context. In this way, any context can be maintained unharmed, and localized to its own function.

To facilitate this change, the random_num function should also be modified to take a local version of the context. The most straightforward way of accomplishing this is to change the function’s signature to take the random context in form of an argument;

randctx seed_random(char* term, int length)
    randctx R;
    memset(R.randrsl, 0, sizeof(R.randrsl));
    strncpy((char *)(R.randrsl), term, length);
    randinit(&R, TRUE);
    return R;

short random_num(randctx *R, short max)
    return rand(R) % max;

Note that this changes the program’s original design; it is now required that the context be initialized with a seed before returning random numbers. To get around this, a solution may be to create a basic function, perhaps named init_random, that returns a randctx.

Additionally, we of course have to change the way that the random number generator is used. Below are two implementations: before (top), and after (bottom).

// Before.
void example_function(char* term)
    seed_random(term, WORDLEN);
    short rand = random_num(SIGNATURE_LEN);

// After.
typedef struct randctx randctx;

void example_function(char* term)
    randctx R = seed_random(term, WORDLEN);
    short rand = random_num(&R, SIGNATURE_LEN);

Depending on how you’ve setup your code, you’ll need to add a type definition for randctx so that the compiler will recognize it, as seen above.


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